ACS BIOT (Division of Biochemical Technology of the American Chemical Society) has awarded UC Santa Barbara Department of Chemical Engineering Professor Michelle O’Malley with the prestigious Young Investigator Award.
The Division of Biochemical Technology Young Investigator Award, sponsored by sponsored by Genentech, Inc., recognizes an outstanding contributor, 40 years of age or younger, to the field of biochemical technology.
Young Investigator Award recipients are chosen by a distinguished panel of academic and industrial members of the field who review nominations and make their selection based on the originality and overall quality of work of the nominee and its significance to the advancement of the field of biochemical technology.
ACS honors its members each year at the Spring ACS Meeting, to be held next year March 31 to April 4, 2019, in Orlando, Florida, where Prof. O’Malley will also give a presentation on her research.