Warren G. and Katharine S. Schlinger Professor
Department Chair
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080
Assistant Contact Information:
Cynthia Rojo(link is external)
(805) 893-5438
crojo@engineering.ucsb.edu(link sends e-mail)
Engineering II, Room 3353
ChemE Research Areas:
2023 AVS Fellow
2018 Outstanding Chemical Engineering Faculty
2018 Robert G. Rinker Founder’s Chair in Chemical Engineering
2017 Outstanding Chemical Engineering Faculty
2016 Outstanding Chemical Engineering Faculty
2015 Outstanding Chemical Engineering Faculty
2013 Robert W. Vaughan Lectureship, California Institute of Technology
2012 Frontiers of Engineering Education Conference
2012 Outstanding Chemical Engineering Faculty
2011 Outstanding Chemical Engineering Faculty
2010 David and Lucile Packard Fellowship
2010 NSF CAREER Award
2010 Outstanding Chemical Engineering Faculty
2009 Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award
2000-2003 Intel Fellow
1997 Constantin G. Economou Prize
Research Description:
Our research focuses on the synthesis, characterization, engineering, and simulation of nanostructured materials and systems for photonics, energy, and chemical conversion applications. We seek to understand how size, morphology, organization, and surface structure affect the physicochemical properties and behavior of materials over different length, time, and energy scales. Interest areas include:
• III-nitride nanostructures, micro/nano-LEDs
• Near-field optical microscopy & plasmonics
• Bio-inspired photonics
• Micro- and atmospheric pressure plasmas (mat'l synthesis and spectroscopy)
• Light-matter interactions & spectroscopy
• Energy storage, magnetic, and catalytic materials
BS: Chemical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines (1994)
MS: Chemical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines (1995)
MS: Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology (1998)
PhD: Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology (2003)