Samji Samira

Postdoctoral Scholar, Christopher Lab


Henley Hall 3002
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080


1. Ralph H. Kummler Award for Distinguished Achievement in Graduate Student Research (Wayne State University, 2021)

2. 2021 Summer Dissertation Award

3. Best Oral Presentation, 5th Joint UT-WSU Symposium, 2020

4. AIChE CRE Travel Award, 2020

5. Catalysis Young Scientist Award, International Congress on Catalysis, 2020

6. Dean's Travel Award, Wayne State University, 2020

7. Competitive Graduate Research Assistant Award, 2019

8. Thomas C. Rumble Fellowship, 2018


Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, 2021

M.S. in Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2015

B.S. in Chemical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, 2013