Upcoming Events
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Past Events
Speaker: David Flaherty - University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignESB 1001 | 9:00am
Speaker: Professor Delia J. Milliron - University of Texas at AustinESB 1001 | 9:00am
Speaker: Assoc. Professor Andrew Ferguson - University of ChicagoESB 1001 | 9:00am
Speaker: Asst. Professor Sujit Datta - Princeton UniversityEngr II 1519 | 9:00am
Speaker: Shona BecwarEBS Room 2001 OR Zoom: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/81180023641?pwd=NGZzNGpGTjJyRzNid0NlYVRCbDlZUT09 Meeting ID: 811 8002 3641 Passcode: 03062022 | 2:00am
Speaker: Dr. Ron Zuckermann - Lawrence Berkeley LabEngr II 1519 | 9:00am
Speaker: Professor Theodore J. Heindel - Iowa State UniversityEngr II 1519 | 9:00am
Speaker: Tsatsral BattsengelJoin Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/83830028001?pwd=U0tFZGhoY0lSZVZScFlVSHYzd1ViQT09 | 10:00am
Speaker: Vikram KhannaEngineering II 1519; Join Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/83084617374?pwd=d3VMcEM3cjhoUHBXSUd5YjFCUlpQdz09 | 9:00am
Speaker: Long Luo - Wayne State UniversityENGR II 1519 | 8:45am
Electrochemical Wastewater Refining: Catalysis and Separations for Distributed Ammonia ManufacturingSpeaker: William Tarpeh - Stanford UniversityENGR II 1519 | 8:45am
Speaker: Alex ChialastriJoin Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/83838251513?pwd=dmZPbUFWUmhLT3Q0eFZOVDNIY0tZdz09 | 9:00am
Speaker: Lynn Katz - University of Texas, AustinENGR II 1519 | 8:45am
Speaker: Sherylle Mills Englander - UC Santa BarbaraENGR II 1519 | 8:45am
Speaker: Nick SherckJoin Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/7308357104 -- Meeting ID: 730 835 7104 -- Passcode: Defense21 | 9:00am
Speaker: Juan Bravo-Suarez - University of KansasENGR II 1519 | 8:45am
Speaker: Steven Crossley - University of OklahomaENGR II 1519 | 8:45am
Speaker: Jason Ryder - University of California, BerkeleyENG II 1519 | 8:45am
Speaker: Miguel A. Modestino – New York UniversityENGR II 1519 | 8:45am
Speaker: Ji QiJoin Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/81619061264?pwd=TDBnVFN0ZUs3dU83TFZnTWtvaXhQdz09 | 9:00am
Speaker: Jiamin ZhangJoin Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/81406334035?pwd=QmxBK05lN1lDa0syTlpKcUVLYVhnQT09 | 9:00am
Speaker: Chad WangsanuwatJoin Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/82904865465?pwd=UktHUXJjY25JN0N5OCtJcmRZZENjQT09 | 1:00pm
Speaker: Mike BurroughsZoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/86042487947?pwd=TEJKcWtXeFhzbVl3amplMFhYdmZaZz09 | 1:00pm
Speaker: Salman KhanZoom link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/83678571190 | 1:00pm
Speaker: Hyunjin MoonZoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/87296414515 | 1:00pm